CIN-U85100BR2018NPL039397 (Registered Under the Company Act 2013) Govt. of INDIA
Darpan Unique id : BR/2019/0228568 (Issued by NITI Aayog, Govt. of INDIA.
Registration Under Section 12AA of the Income Tax Act, 1961 with Registration No. : CIT(E)13/18-19/C-752.Issued by Income Tax Department, Ministry of Finanace, Govt. Of India.
Registration Under Section 80G(5)(VI)of the Income Tax Act,1961 with Registration No.: CIT(E)13/19-20/A-502.Issued by Income Tax Department, Ministry of Finanace, Govt. Of India.
One of the most neglected sections of our society is senior citizens. In our busy lives, we often forget to take out time to talk to the elders in our own homes. Well age foundation believes that everyone deserves to be loved. Old age is an unavoidable part of our life cycle and should be lived gracefully rather than grudgingly. Well age foundations do not run old age homes. However it rescues the abandoned elderly people and gives them shelter, food and loving care. Well age foundation is setting up a network of volunteers spread across India and interacts with older persons on daily basis through its volunteer’s networks.
The Centre is committed to bringing in a dynamic change for the elderly in terms of social participation and integration, economic security, macro societal change and development, health ageing enhancing the physical and mental quality of life and ushering in care systems in diverse cultural socio-economic and environmental situations.
An initiative to identify basic health care requirements of destitute elderly living in the slums and provide them with medical / Health care Assistance inform of walkers / walking sticks / wheel chairs / Bed Pans / Adult Diapers /Spectacle frames / Clothes / Food Ration / Medicine etc….
Over 500 destitute and old people spread across Patna and Bihar has already been assisted under this project so far.
Since there has been a gradual increase in the population aged 60 and older, a developing country...
View More“ great work done by wellage foundation hats off to to you. your are really great work in real life. when a person who face the problem then only realised the pain of a problem. ”
“ great work done by wellage foundation hats off to to you. your are really great work in real life. when a person who face the problem then only realised the pain of a problem. ”
“ great work done by wellage foundation hats off to to you. your are really great work in real life. when a person who face the problem then only realised the pain of a problem. ”
“ great work done by wellage foundation hats off to to you. your are really great work in real life. when a person who face the problem then only realised the pain of a problem. ”